Surface Palpation - Elbow, Wrist, and Hand - Muscles
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis Tendons
Standing, sitting or lying supine
Anterior or lateral to the patient.
May I touch your wrist? ( or point to the demonstrated area ). With your palm up, please pinch your thumb and little finger (or demonstrate, which is easier). Release that pinch and now alternately bend and relax your fingers (or demonstrate). (If needed, hold in this position while I try to move your fingers.)
Guide the patient to supinate and then to oppose and pinch the thumb and little finger. Place your fingers on the tendon of the palmaris longus, if present. Move your fingers medially into the ulnar valley as you guide the patient to relax the pinch. Now guide the patient to alternately flex and relax the fingers. Palpate the tendons in the ulnar valley.
Note that there are two video clips. In one video clip, the examiner, who has a palmaris longus, is demonstrating the palpation of the flexor digitorum superficialis tendons. In the second video, the examiner is demonstrating palpation of the flexor digitorum superficialis tendons on another patient, who does not have a palmaris longus. VH - Flexor digitorum superficialis tendons WPL
VH - Flexor digitorum superficialis tendons SPL