Surface Palpation - Elbow, Wrist, and Hand - Muscles
Flexor Pollicis Brevis
(This structure is not yet classified in the VH Dissector)
Standing, sitting or lying supine
Anterior or lateral to the patient.
May I touch your hand? ( or point to the demonstrated area ). Please bend your elbow and turn your palm up. Bring your thumb across your palm (or demonstrate, which is easier). (If needed, hold in this position while I try to move your thumb.)
Guide the patient to bend the elbow and supinate. With the muscle relaxed, palpate the medial side of the thenar eminence and guide the patient to flex the metacarpophalangeal and carpometacarpal joints of the thumb. With unclear muscle activity, provide added resistance by having the patient ìholdî while you gradually produce a push on the proximal phalanx of the thumb in the direction of thumb extension.
There are two heads to the flexor pollicis brevis muscle. You are palpating the superficial and not the deep head.
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