Surface Palpation - Elbow, Wrist, and Hand - Muscles
Flexor Carpi Radialis Tendon
Standing, sitting or lying supine
Lateral or anterior to the patient.
May I touch your wrist? (or point to the demonstrated area). Please turn your palm up and then make a tight fist (or demonstrate). Now bend your wrist up (or demonstrate). (If needed, hold in this position while I try to move your hand.)
Guide the patient to supinate. With the patient relaxed, place the fingers lateral to the center of the distal anterior forearm and just lateral to the palmaris longus tendon, if present. Guide the patient to make a tight fist and then flex the wrist. With unclear muscle activity, provide gradually increasing resistance by having the patient ìholdî while you produce a push on the hand in the direction of wrist extension. The palmaris longus, if present, will be the most prominent and most centrally located tendon. The muscle belly is not easily distinguished from other wrist flexor muscle bellies.
TAKEN OUT: Note that there are two video clips. In one video clip, the examiner, who has a palmaris longus, is demonstrating the palpation of the flexor carpi radialis tendon. In the second video, the examiner is demonstrating palpation of the flexor carpi radialis tendon on another patient, who does not have a palmaris longus. VH - Flexor carpi radialis tendon WPL
VH - Flexor carpi radialis tendon SPL