Surface Palpation - Head and Neck - Muscles
Occipital Belly of the Occipitofrontalis or Occipitalis
Sitting or standing
Posterior to the patient
Please sit (or stand). I would like to check the function of a muscle on the back of your head. Please look at this picture of a person raising the eyebrows. (Or . . . Please look at me while I raise my eyebrows.) May I touch the back of your head?
(If the answer is yes) I will gently place my fingers on the back of your head while you raise your eyebrows. Please raise your eyebrows, relax, and then raise them again.
(If the answer is no) Please raise your eyebrows, relax and then raise them again and while I observe.
The patient/client is sitting (or standing) and either facing a mirror or facing the person who will demonstrate raising the eyebrows. After showing a picture or demonstrating, ask the patient/client to raise the eyebrows. With the muscle relaxed initially and with permission, gently place your fingers on the posteroinferior portion of the patient/client's head and ask him/her to raise the eyebrows, relax and then raise them again. Repeat these motions if necessary. If permission is not granted, ask the person to raise the eyebrows, relax and then raise them again while you observe the muscle activity. Likely, you will observe muscle activity only on a person with no hair.

There is no video demonstrating palpation of this structure.