Identify structures in the region of the perineal membrane.

  1. Place your finger between the crus and bulb of the penis and press in the superior direction. Your finger is pressing against the perineal membrane. Identify the perineal membrane. (G 5.56A;N 360;Gl 21.28) Use your finger to identify the posterior border of the perineal membrane. Atempt to identify the superficial transverse perineal muscle. (G 5.50;N 360;Gl 22.25) Hook your finger around the posterior border of the perineal membrane. The tip of your finger is now superior to the perineal membrane and is located in the anterior recess of the ischiorectal fossa. Your fingernail is pressing against the pelvic diaphragm (levator ani muscle). The deep transverse perineal muscle is deep (superior) to the perineal membrane.
Important Relationship
  • The bulb of the penis is positioned directly inferior (superficial) to the perineal membrane.
Perineal Membrane
Perineal Body
Deep Transverse Perineal Muscle