Identify the internal surface features and structures associated with the laryngeal pharynx and larynx  .

  1. (ON BOTH SIDES) Identify the median and lateral glossoepiglottic folds, vallecula, epiglottis, aryepiglottic fold, piriform recess, laryngeal vestibule, vestibular fold, laryngeal ventricle, vocal fold and infraglottic cavity. (G 7.49B;N 58 and 66;Gl 38.2 and 39.20)
    Important Relationship
    • The vallecula is positioned directly anterior to the epiglottis and posterior to the tongue (root).
    • The epiglottis is positioned posterior to the tongue (root).
    • The piriform recess is positioned lateral to the laryngeal inlet.
    • The vocal ligament is positioned anterior to the arytenoid cartilage.
    • The vocal fold is positioned inferior to the vestibular fold.
  2. (ON BOTH SIDES) Carefully strip the mucosa from the piriform recess and identify the internal laryngeal nerve. (G Table 8.10 Posterior View;N 67;Gl 38.34) If you have difficulty finding the nerve, then clamp it with a hemostat externally at the thyrohyoid membrane and palpate the tip of the hemostat. Strip the mucosa at the tip of the hemostat and identify the nerve.
  3. (ON THE RIGHT SIDE ONLY) Identify the lamina of the cricoid cartilage. (G 8.28;N 77;Gl 39.13) Carefully strip the mucosa from the laryngeal pharynx at the posterior border of the lamina of the cricoid cartilage and expose and identify the recurrent laryngeal nerve. (G Table 8.10 Posterior View;N 80)
    Important Relationship
  4. (ON BOTH SIDES) Palpate and identify the arytenoid cartilage. (G 8.28E;N 77;Gl 39.18B) Strip the mucosa from the posterior aspect of the larynx to expose and identify the posterior cricoarytenoid and transverse arytenoid muscles. Attempt to identify the aryepiglotticus muscle. (G Table 8.10 Posterior View;N 78;Gl 38.31C)
    Important Relationship
  5. (OPTIONAL, ON ONE SIDE ONLY - the side where you cut the infrahyoid muscles), use a small scissors or a small scalpel blade to disarticulate the cricothyroid joint. Blunt disect the thyroid lamina in the lateral and anterior direction. Attempt to identify the cricothyroid, lateral cricoarytenoid and thyroarytenoid muscles. (G Table 8.10 Lateral View;N 78;Gl 39.19)
Posterior Tongue
Piriform Recess
Vestibular Fold (with right thyroid cartilage lamina removed)
Right Vocal fold
Internal Laryngeal Nerve in Piriform Recess
Recurrent Laryngeal Nerves
Arytenoid Cartilage
Posterior Cricoarytenoid Muscles
Arytenoid Muscles
Aryepiglotticus Muscle
Lateral Cricoarytenoid Muscle (right thyroid lamina removed)
Lateral Cricoarytenoid Muscle
Thyroarytenoid Muscle