Surface Palpation - Elbow, Wrist, and Hand - Muscles
Standing, sitting, lying prone or supine
Lateral to the patient
May I touch your elbow? ( or point to the demonstrated area ). Please bend your elbow (or demonstrate). Now hold in this position while I push on your forearm.
With the patient relaxed, place one finger on the lateral epicondyle of the humerus and one finger on the olecranon process. Place the finger used for the palpation between the two bony landmarks and slightly distally on the forearm. Guide the patient to hold the elbow in this position while you provide a gradually increasing push on the forearm in the direction of elbow flexion. As an alternative, ask the patient to push the back of the hand (with supinated radioulnar joint) onto a stable object. This push provides a resistance to elbow extension.
VH - anconeus