Surface Palpation - Elbow, Wrist, and Hand - Muscles
Biceps Brachii Long Head Tendon
Standing, sitting or lying supine
For women, a gown over the non-examined side with the examined area exposed or a halter top is recommended. At least roll up sleeves on a short sleeved shirt. For men, removal of the shirt is requested.
Lateral to the patient.
May I touch your shoulder? ( or point to the demonstrated area ). First, move your arm as I demonstrate (or demonstrate movements that would rotate the shoulder to locate the greater and lesser tubercles of the humerus). Now bend your elbow and turn your hand up (or demonstrate). (If needed, now hold in this position while I push on your forearm).
With the patient relaxed, place several fingers across the area of the greater and lesser tubercles of the humerus. Medially and laterally rotate the shoulder or guide the patient to do so, and locate the greater and lesser tubercles with your index and ring fingers. Place your middle finger between the other two fingers ñ it should be on the long head of the biceps brachii in the bicipital groove. Guide the patient to flex the elbow and supinate the radioulnar joint. Provide gradually increasing resistance by having the patient ìholdî while you produce a push on the forearm in the direction of elbow extension. The long head of the biceps brachii can be palpated as it pushes anteriorly and is restrained by the transverse humeral ligament.
VH - biceps brachii long head tendon